The Bioaltitude® A100 hypoxic generator is a device that stands out for its efficiency in separating oxygen and obtaining hypoxic air (without any optional accessory it reaches oxygen concentrations around 10%), stability in the supply of an air flow without variations and with a stable oxygen concentration over time and reliability, usually not causing any operating problems during the useful life of the device.
The Bioaltitude® A100 Hypoxic Generator provides a hypoxic airflow of up to 100 liters / minute. The combination of a high maximum flow together with the possibility of reaching hypoxic air with concentrations below 10% of O2 allows it to be used in different variants of use or hypoxic training, such as: Nocturnal hypoxia through the use of a Hypoxic Tent or similar (stable flow and oxygen concentration over time), Intermittent resting hypoxia (reaches concentrations below 10% O2 without any adapter or optional element) and Exercise in Hypoxia (combining the high hypoxic air flow of up to 100 liters / minute together with Exercise Sets that include expansion bags or Douglas bags depending on the needs as an option).